Jackie Alio's books don't read like dissertations, but they're the kind of books scholars consult when they write dissertations.
Jacqueline Alio is one of Sicily's
leading historians – a Sicilian woman who is writing the history of Sicily's women.
Over the last decade, she has been consulted by The History Channel, The Discovery Channel and other media, and she is recognized as a resource (lecturer) for YPO. An accomplished medievalist, Jackie has published the results of her original research while writing insightful articles for a general readership.
Online, her articles have captivated millions, gaining her a special place as one of the Sicilian historians with the most
readers around the world.
In print, scholarly works like her translation of the Ferraris Chronicle have earned her kudos in academic circles. Margaret, Queen of Sicily was the first biography of that regent.
Listen to Jackie's interviews about Queen Margaret on the Italian American Podcast and Experience Sicily, and follow her on INSTAGRAM.
Ms Alio co-authored the first book in English to outline the emerging field of Sicilian Studies. Published in 2014, The Peoples of Sicily is a concise introduction to her island's unique multicultural heritage and the basis for academic tours of Sicily.
Her most recent book – the result of years of research – is a compendium of scholarly biographies of the first eighteen queens of Sicily into the middle of the thirteenth century. At 740 pages, Queens of Sicily 1061-1266 is the lengthiest volume about Sicilian history ever written in English by a woman. (Read a candid interview with the author about this long-awaited book.) Sicilian Queenship, a supplement to this volume, presents information on such topics as marriage, court poetry, cuisine, and the role of Sicilian queenhood in the culture of Sicily.
Jackie Alio is a lecturer popular with academic groups visiting Sicily. She is a member of the Medieval Academy of America. (For curious scholars, a few previews and papers are available for download as PDF files.)
Many historians write about Sicily. It's rare to meet one who is shaping our perception of the place and its people. Says Jackie Alio, "History lives as long as we remember it, so let's write it down before we forget it. It's not genuine history unless the women's stories are part of it."
Her books are available from many booksellers, including Amazon, Waterstones, Fishpond, Daunt Books, Barnes & Noble and Book Depository. Libraries (USA): Baker & Taylor (Follett). In Palermo: Libreria del Corso at Via Vittorio Emanuele 332.
Information for librarians is available on the website Queens of Sicily.
Book reviews and previews, information and downloads:
• Queens of Sicily Eighteen biographies. A defining reference and interesting narrative.
• The Ferraris Chronicle The first English translation of this medieval source.
• Margaret, Queen of Sicily The first biography of Sicily's greatest medieval queen.
• Sicilian Studies A guide for educators wishing to teach about Sicily.
• The Peoples of Sicily An introduction to Sicily's multicultural history.
• Time Traveler's Guide Norman-Arab-Byzantine sights at Palermo, Monreale and Cefalù.
• Women of Sicily Concise biographies of some of Sicily's historical women.
• Food and Wine A guide to Sicily's cuisine and eclectic culinary history.
• Papers and Previews Book reviews, original research, insight and details.
• Further Reading Books by other women writing about Sicilian history or culture.
• Interview with Jacqueline Alio Candid comments from a Sicilian historian.
• CONTACT THE AUTHOR for lectures, interviews or tours.
A unique work: In 2017, Margaret, Queen of Sicily established a new subject category [Margaret, Queen, consort of William I, King of Sicily, 1135?-1183] in the RDA bibliographic system now used in many library catalogues: